Tuesday, July 23, 2013



    In science we are looking at Reflection and Refraction.This means we are doing lots with lighting and glass.
    Yesterday we worked on work from last term.This was a prac. For the prac we had a semicircle of thin metal.You place it on the paper and trace the inner arc. Then you place the light amchine with 3 slits. We then drew out the lines from the reflection teh light beams had on a concave and convex semicircle.This was to demonstrate that light reflects at difference angles.

    Today we did another experiment that was similar.We had a solid, glass semicircle. We had to trace it.You then Rule at dotted line at 90degrees. From 180degress to 240derees, you draw a line at every 10mm. Then you get the light machine place it, with one slot, on each line and draw on the opposite quadrant of the circle where the light refracts.The light refracts at different angles to the original lines drawn.They become bigger apart.
    It is the same concept with putting a straw in a glass of water.
